Pica Awards 2013: Gord Laws Wins “Health & Wellness” Category

The annual Pica Awards (referred to, somewhat optimistically, by some, as “the Oscars of the SA Magazine Industry”) were held on November 14, 2013. I was very pleased to learn that I won first place in the “Best Health & Wellness feature” category for the “King of the Fat Guys” feature I wrote for Men’s Health Magazine. Read the full feature here.

I would have liked to have been there, but I didn’t even know I was nominated, so the award came as a lovely surprise. I’ve published literally hundreds of feature-articles in my day, but never won a Pica. But this was my first (and, so far, only) Men’s Health feature, so it’s nicd to know it counted.

Thanks to Jason Brown and the Men’s Health Team for the brief and for entering the feature on my behalf.

Read the full list of 2013 Pica categories and winners here.

Gord Laws Pica Award
Gord Laws Pica Award