Gord Laws Archive: Interview with Jonathan Davis (2008)

There are several good stories that have their origins in the night of Coke Fest, 2008. This Q&A that I conducted in Korn’s dressing room after the show – with me at least a sheet or two to the wind – is but one of them.

Jonathan Davis FHM South Africa Q&A 2008
Click this image to read or download the full-quality PDF.

After the show, there were many delays before the interview happened, around 11pm. My good homie from the record company, Kevin Mdubeki, went in with me, doubling as “photographer” and we chatted to JD.

What a lovely, forthcoming, soft-spoken guy. Polite, and friendly, even though he’d just played a huge gig and it was late.

His bodyguard? Not so much. A man-mountain who used to be an NFL-player prior to doing his knee in, he was not to be messed with. Frustrated and late, he repeatedly pointed out that our shortened time had run out (after about three minutes) before butting in while Davis and I were talking, telling me to “get the f#@k out!” He’d also insisted on repeatedly calling me “Cheeseburger” for the last 45 minutes whilst I’d waited outside. I didn’t mind that so much. It was fitting at the time and my skin was thick, literally and figuratively.

But Jonathan Davis did mind. He stood up, told his bodyguard to show some respect and not to interrupt us, nor call me Cheeseburger again, and to let us finish the interview without him because “Gordy is cool.” What a champion.

The bodyguard did mutter, “Bye, Cheeseburger” as I left the tent, but I didn’t care. I was too chuffed with myself.

Gord Laws of FHM Southg Africa meeting Jonathan Davis
Gord Laws in 2008: I wasn’t pretty, but I did party with a lot of rockstars.

PDF reproduced with permission from FHM South Africa (RIP)

Gord Laws is an award-winning feature writer, copywriter, creative director and voice artist. He also draws a pretty good cartoon, cracks a good joke/brief and is for hire.