Hailstorm Radio Advertising Specialists: we are live!

This proud announcement is actually five months overdue. But, in my defence, we have been busy. Which is a good thing. Despite the belated announcement on this, my own personal platform, I feel it’s certainly worth celebrating…

Hailstorm is up and running. We’re officially open for business!

Hailstorm Radio-advertising Specialists - logo
Radio Means Business

At the end of 2014, my good friend, long-time colleague and former FHM Editor, Louis Raubenheimer, founded our own radio-specific advertising agency. We’re called Hailstorm. I’m extremely proud of what we’ve built and the work we have done in these early months.

Logo of Hailstorm Radio-advertising Specialists
Hailstorm – Radio Means Business

From my own perspective, radio is simply the medium I love most when it comes to creative work. I’ve made hundreds of magazines (which sold a few million copies between them), written hundreds of feature articles, made some TV ads and created a lot of digital content, but radio is my great creative love.

As a voice-over artist I’ve voiced dozens of ads (check out my portfolio here, or contact my agents here) and as an ad-guy I’ve written and directed a stack of them too (some of them are stashed away here).

Radio advertising is also the medium that, if done well, gives clients the best bang for their buck, reach wise. It’s good value, it works and I love it. We bring better-than-big-agency quality, at rates they can’t match. It’s a very exciting time.

For more on Hailstorm, visit www.hailstorm.co.za. There, you can listen to examples of our work, read loads of useful information on the power of the medium, find out more about Louis and I, and get in touch.

Gord Laws and Louis Raubenheimer of Hailstorm Radio-advertising specialists
Hailstorm: Louis Raubenheimer and Gord Laws.