I’m very chuffed to report that the “Understand Your Country” three-TV-ad campaign that I wrote for Business Day during 2013 has been awarded a Silver Loerie at the 2014 Awards this weekend. The project was an (intensive) labour of love and I’m very fond of the ads. And, of the teams at Owen Kessel and Velocity Films that helped my creative partner in crime Beth Dessington and I to bring them to life.
We were recently very proud to be shortlisted at the 2014 Cannes Lions, even though we didn’t convert. This award adds to the chuffedness and I’m very grateful for all the love.
Thanks to Don Bryan, Kate Jager, Mike Cook, Gregg Bailey, Di at Velocity, Greg Gray, David Prior, Paul Gilpin, Noeline Van Den Berg and Steve Matthewson for their tremendous and hard work. And, especially, to Beth Dessington, who was with me on this from the first day to the last.